That Seed in Consciousness

Hero's Breath
5 min readJan 26, 2024

The Hero’s Journey is a dynamic mechanism. Each component cannot be understood in isolation, but only in relation to several others, which can shift, connect, reconnect, and repeat. The only way for such tiny, transient beings such as us to comprehend the lessons presented is if we had a way to cluster the information effectively, which is why The Author has designed elements of the story together in ways that are easier for us small, limited beings to understand. One of the ways He did that is through ARCHETYPES.

In the documentary, Finding Joe, author and philosopher Deepak Chopra perfectly defined archetypes as, “primordial, encapsulated stories or mythologies and they are there in this form of a seed in consciousness.” He adds, “When you plant that seed in consciousness, that archetypal seed, that mythical journey and that seed starts to sprout, and as it sprouts the patterning forces — creates situations, circumstances, events, and relationships for the unfolding of the story.” In other words, archetypal patterns aren’t just found in the characters of a story, they also live inside of the story itself. Translated to the real world, we can see how such patterns can also live inside of us as energetic forms of thought and action.

In their book, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover, Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette do an amazing job of explaining how these archetypes…



Hero's Breath

Recovering addict. Religious trauma and narcissistic abuse survivor. Valiant dumbass tilting at too many windmills. I write to keep the demons leashed.